Read the Weekly Roundup: December 1
By Justin D. Long, ed.
Perspective, Insight, Context, Analysis
New events
North Africa
Lake Chad: the world’s most complex humanitarian disaster (NYT Mag)
… longform read + audio. Boko Haram, climate change, armies, hunger…
… also, In Great Lakes region, the church is growing–as is climate conflict
… ‘large share of … growth of Christianity and Islam over the past century.’
Algeria: Independent press fears for its survival
… killed off by the launch of high-speed Internet access in 2014
… newspapers failed to adapt to online media
Chad: will have a National Missions Consultation in partnership with Cru
… from Nov 28 to Dec 2.
Egypt: Over 300 killed in mosque attack by ISIS-related terrorists.
… How an Egyptian village became a target of the Islamic State (Sufis)
… and, New phone app helps Egyptian women fight sexual harassment
Libya: France says EU states will undertake military ops to end slave trafficking
… BBC: Emergency evacuation operation agreed
… Backstory: sale of migrants as slaves causes outrage in Africa and Paris
… Between 400k and 700k migrants are living in camps in Libya
Morocco: The abandoned children of Morocco
… illegitimate children with no papers, no last name, & devoted caregivers
Tunisia: What next for the IS fighters returning to Tunisia
… terribly sad stories of returning radicals, the need for deradicalization
West Africa
West Africa population planners battle to woo Muslim hearts
… highest birth rates, highest maternal mortality rates in the world
… ex. Niger: to triple to 72 million by 2050
Are West Africa’s gunsmiths making violence cheap?
… ’60% of illegal arms circulating were locally produced’
Nigeria: The Nigerian who composed 200 hymns from a leprosy colony
… ‘wrote with the subs of his thumb and index finger’
Continued Boko Haram violence in the northeast
… most around Maiduguri, capital of Borno State.
… Continued Christian-Muslim farmer-herder violence, too
How Nigeria’s oil industry went local
… ‘domestic companies now control more of the resources than ever before’
… ‘poised to deliver economic gains Nigeria always wanted but never had’
Nigeria’s flourishing ‘miracle cure’ business for HIV/AIDS
… despair, stigma make easy targets for scams, supposed miracle workers
… unfortunately some of the scams appear to be run by pastors?
East Africa/Horn
Djibouti: welcomes plan to build Saudi military base
… Yemenis find refuge in Djibouti
Ethiopia: Renewed clashes between Oromos, Somalis in the East
… 20 killed, 98 arrested. Competition over Khat trade involved.
Renewed Ethiopia-Egypt tensions over Nile dam construction
… Egypt fears it will cut its water supply, issues stern warning
‘We are everywhere’: how Ethiopia became a land of prying eyes
… ‘relies on a vast network of millions of party members as informants’
Somalia: Heavily armed Al-Shabaab retake Central Somalia town
… severe drought, conflict displace 32,000 in October
… in all, over 1.2 million displaced since January
Sudan: Parliament says claims about lack of religious freedoms ‘exaggerations’
… ‘hasn’t experienced any problems regarding coexistence’
… Yeah, right: Open Doors, Economist both say Christians are persecuted.
S Sudan: Crocodiles, pythons, and militias
… children risk death for school: 4 hours wading through swamps each day
Central Asia
China wants to improve the Karakorum highway
… crosses Wakhan corridor, connects Kashgar to Abbottabad
Kazakhstan: Complete re-registration of churches required if restrictions become law
… for all but Muslims and Russian Orthodox
… Baptist minister faces fines for handing out pamphlets, Bible passages on street
… placed under 1-year ‘limitation of freedom’
Kyrgyzstan: New tours connect travelers with local culture at gateway to mountains
… especially the Dungan ethnic minority, Chinese Muslims
Tajikistan: China building aluminum plant: ‘owns half of Tajikistan’s external debt’
Uzbekistan: Inside the secretive state of Uzbekistan (BBC, Video)
… Central Asian Spring hailed after Uzbekistan changed leadership
… Uzbekistan opens the door… a crack
West Asia/Gulf
Iraq: Strategic Mosul-Dohuk highway opened after 3-year closure
… important commercial artery connecting Turkey to Iraq’s N Kurds
Iran/Iraq earthquake casualty counts exceed 500.
… Kermanshah, worst earthquake of the year.
Israel: Daughter of holocaust survivor faces deportation
… over father’s alleged Christian conversion
Lebanon: Hariri out of Saudi Arabia, now “rethinking decision to resign”
Saudi Arabia: Arrest of 2nd richest man causes shockwaves in Ethiopia
… owns 4.7% of Ethiopia’s economy, employs 14% of its private workforce
… Saudi has expelled >1,200 Ethiopians after warning on undoc’d migrants
South Asia
Afghanistan: Farmers say US strikes on Taliban opium labs won’t work
Bangladesh: Christians here live in constant fear (The Hindu, re Catholics)
Iran: China pushing billions into Iranian economy
India: Floods, droughts and India’s uncertain Climate future:
… Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai may be condemned to catastrophic annual climate events
Nepal: First elections since stripping authoritarian king of his powers
Pakistan: Balochistan journalists caught ‘between the stick and the gun’
… ‘scene of a long running nationalist insurgency…’
… ‘foreign journalists need to seek special permission to visit the majority of the province…’
Religious protests erupt in Pakistan over wording of oath of office.
… Military called out after police, paramilitary operations turned violent and deadly
East Asia
China: Officials told not to incite ‘religious crazes’ for profit
… religion seen revival… some temples converted to museums… tickets required…
The Great Call of China: Churches poised to become major exporters
… “Chinese Urbana” held by Mission China in Thailand, 1,200 youth gathered
“House arrest” in China isn’t “house arrest” at all
… ‘residential surveillance at a designated location’ is a brutal black hole.
Rebalancing the SeeSaw
… issues that discourage Chinese missionaries, vs. those that encourage
Censorship in China: a brief overview of how it works
… plus links to guides for the best VPNs to use in China
Japan: “A lonely death”: “many older tenants… cocooned in their small apartments”
… ‘each year some died without anyone knowing…’
… ‘first time, took 3 years to discover… when his auto withdrawals depleted bank account’
N Korea: Fired a ballistic missile in a further challenge to Trump (NYT)
… as surely most readers know by now, claimed it could hit anywhere in the continental US
… lots of international commentary on what ‘completing the nuclear force’ means
Southeast Asia
Cambodia: becomes world’s newest 1-party state
… effectively destroyed all opposition to autocratic rule.
… Debate stifled in Cambodia as crackdown spreads fear
Indonesia: Mt. Agung in Bali erupts again, spurring evacuation of thousands
… tries to evacuate 100,000 people away from erupting volcano (NPR)
Myanmar: Purge of Rohingya lifts General’s popular support
… under the Constitution, civilian leadership has no control of military
… Rohingya trapped in open-air prison of apartheid
Thailand: Will southern Thailand turn to Jihadism? (Diplomat)
… not likely, if the government doesn’t oppress & fan the flames.
Vietnam: blogger gets 7 years in jail for reporting on toxic spill
… found guilty of ‘spreading anti-state propaganda’ for reporting on protests over spill
New Data
Missiographic: Mission staffing and financing
… new from MissioNexus based on data from the North America Mission Handbook
… lots of agencies putting their missionary numbers in ‘global,’ unwilling to name countries
Pew: Europe’s growing Muslim population
… make up 4.9% of Europe in 2016; even w/no migration, pop likely to grow
… 3 growth scenarios based on high, medium, no migration
… key opportunity to reach Muslims
Open Doors: 2017 WorldWatch List out, measuring persecution worldwide
… notably, India slips to #15, right next to Saudi Arabia.
Brookings: “62% of UN SDG indicators not trackable in Africa due to data collection limits”
… how do we think we can have precise and 100% accurate mission stats?
… we have to learn to live with ambiguity and estimates.
Nigeria, Somalia, Chad have highest child pneumonia, diarrhoea deaths
WHO: 10% of medicine in developing countries is fake or substandard
Foreign student enrollment in US doubled since Great Recession: 364,000 in 2016
Zimbabwe notwithstanding, coups are less common today
Longer reads
USA: Is there an evangelical crisis?
… challenge of staying in, leaving, or even defining evangelicalism today
Zimbabwe: Behind Mugabe’s rapid fall: a firing, a feud, and a First Lady (NYT)
… Treacherous Shenanigans: the inside story of Mugabe’s downfall (Reuters)
… Manangagwa the “Crocodile” to be sworn in as President
… New leader stirs fears that he resembles the old one (NYT)
Book Review: Serving God in a migrant crisis, Patrick Johnstone.
… review from MissioNexus. IV Press re-released the book.
Puente, Maria. Generational change linked to how you perceive sexual harassment?
Lifehacking, Tactics, Skills, Rules
How to write email with military precision
… subject keywords, BLUF (TL;DR) synopsis up front; be economical (fit in one pane)
Millionaires don’t use to-do lists (They do this instead):
… “don’t work from a to-do list, do live and work from their calendar”
… “if it doesn’t get scheduled, it doesn’t get done”
… Start with big rocks: this 7-minute video explores prioritization in an easy analogy
26 time management tricks I wish I’d known at 20
… SlideShare. Excellent points here, quick read.
Why you shouldn’t use pie charts
… tips for better data visualization.
Goins, Jeff. Nobody knows what you’re doing.
… this applies to those of us involved in missions, too.
Pioneer Mission Startups, Strategy
Thomasz Tunguz. “Managers must be insane to brainstorm in groups.”
UPG Profiles, Travelogues, Stories
Russia: Photos of women villagers who run the show in rural Russia.
… ‘Russian men have left countryside to seek work… leading to rise of
… village matriarchs and their tough farm daughters.’
Afghanistan: In her film about Afghan life, the woman slaps back
… but more about female filmmakers in Afg. thant he film itself.
Ladakh, India: A home in the Himalayas for Buddhist nuns
… 28 nunneries, many less known to tourists and others.
France24 video: “The smugglers in Niger sell you to Libyan slave dealers”
… “16-year old Malian warning of realities of traveling via Libya”
Iran/Azerbaijan: Life on the Iranian side of Astara
Children’s book brings Lebanese proverbs to life
How much? The rise of dynamic and personalized pricing
… “dynamic = prices for all fluctuate over the course of a single day”
… “personalized = specific customers pay diff amounts for same product,
… “tailored to what the retailer thinks they can/will spend”
… “shopper doesn’t know what info seller has on them”
… “shopper believes they are seeing the market price”
#Retail: inside the Walmart vs Amazon battle over Black Friday
… ‘expects Cyber Monday to be the largest shopping day in history’
… Smartphones are killing Black Friday: ‘more of a season than a 1-day event’
Google is filtering news for the wrong reason: self-censorship is a tricky slope
China: “Digital Leninism”: long tradition of Party control over every nook of society
… to have 626 million surveillance cameras by 2020 (AI, facial, gait recognition)
Big Data = Big Finance: Amazon, Google, Alibaba, Tencent move into lending
McKinsey Report: robots could force 375 million to switch occupations by 2030
Vidyard: The State of Video Marketing 2017 report
How fiction becomes fact on social media: not always what you might think.
Skype tells a Belgium court it’s technically impossible to eavesdrop on calls.
Cashless societies: The promise and perils.
#Autodrive: GM unveils driverless Chevy Bolt
#AI: China racing for AI military edge over US
There are two ways to get enough. One is to continue to accumulate more and more. The other is to desire less. ~G. K. Chesterton
A leaky roof can fool the sun, but it cannot fool the rain. ~Haitian proverb (purportedly)
Judging others makes us blind, whereas love is illuminating. ~Bonhoeffer
Only if your God can outrage and challenge you will you know you worship the real God and not a figment of your imagination. ~Tim Keller
A good leader takes a little more than his share of the blame, a little less than his share of the credit. ~Arnold H. Glasow
Justin Long, a missionary researcher serving with Beyond (a Missio Nexus member) provides the Weekly Roundup. Sign up to get it every week or visit his daily blog: Member organizations can provide content to the Missio Nexus website. See how by clicking here.