Pursuing Partnership: New Light on Timeless Texts – Week 4

The Historical Research of Dr Sandra Glahn

Wall Fragment with Two Women; Unknown; A.D. 1–75; Fresco

By Wendy Wilson, Missio Nexus, Mission Advisor for Development of Women

This article is part of the series Pursuing Partnership: Men and Women in Ministry.

Women and Theological Education: Capitulating to Culture or Historically Rooted?

A note from Wendy Wilson, MissioNexus, Mission Advisor for Development of Women:

The flood of writing and publishing of theological works and reference materials that have come out of North American evangelicalism in the last 50 years have blessed us so in many rich ways, but they have mostly reflected an incomplete perspective that has left women out as contributors. The increased numbers of modern Bible schools and seminaries did not accept women as students until the last few decades, and initially limited the number of programs in which they could participate. Those limitations have been diminishing as we continue to recognize the unintended impact on our practice of our traditions and cultural values. So gifted women are again making important contributions as they have in other eras.  Advances in our discoveries of 1st century cultural and social history and language, as well as bringing the eyes and talents of trained and gifted men and women both to Scripture is increasing the depth of our understanding. Dr. Glahn suggests women and theology is not so much something new as something we are re-engaging in our time with new momentum? When it comes to teaching and leading, is the capitulation to fallen culture letting them in or leaving them out?

The link to the blog article is below . . .but here are a few excerpts from ”Women and Theological Education: Capitulating to Culture or Historically Rooted?

 “Ours is not the first generation of theologically educated women. So while some may suggest that women learning and teaching theology is evidence that radical feminism has infiltrated the church, women’s presence in learning and teaching spaces actually has a long, long history—a celebrated one!—starting with a woman in an ancient Near Eastern town called Bethany sitting at the feet of the first rabbi ever to formally teach a woman…and that awesome rabbi’s name was Jesus.

Some of our lack of knowledge about women’s history, particularly in the Protestant tradition, stems from post-Reformation amnesia about women in monastic spaces. About all we know—maybe—is that about 500 years ago a German nun, Katerina, married a former monk, Martin Luther, and religious living spaces were emptied of their occupants, partly in response to the Protestant Reformation. . . .”

Read the whole article –

 “Women and Theological Education: Capitulating to Culture or Historically Rooted?”

Dr. Sandra Glahn is Professor of Media Arts and Worship at Dallas Theological Seminary. She is an author, co-author, or general editor of more than twenty books including Vindicating the Vixens: Revisiting Sexualized, Vilified, and Marginalized Women of the Bible. Learn more about her at her website: aspire2.com.

This article is submitted by Wendy Wilson of Missio Nexus and of Women’s Development Track.  Women’s Development Track is a Missio Nexus member.  Member organizations can provide content to the Missio Nexus website. See how by clicking here.

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