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Key Facts
Dates: Thursday, September 20–Saturday, September 22, 2018
Location: Caribe Royale, Orlando, Florida
Attendees: Up to 1000 agency and church mission leaders gathered for partnership in the Great Commission
Speakers: 5 plenary and 65+ presenters
Sessions: 7 plenary sessions, 5 workshops, and 9 breakouts
Theme: Partnership. One Body. One Church. One Mission.
Website with more details:
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Official Hashtags: #MissioNexusMLC #MissionLeadersConference #Partnership
Featured Speakers List:
- Plenary: Leith Anderson, Thabiti Anyabwile, Kärin Butler Primuth, Dick Brogden, David Pierce
- Other Speakers: Dick Busby, John Van Drunen, Kurt Nelson, Ellen Livingood, Michelle Atwell, Rob Dixon, Alexander Zamora & many More!
Conference Synopsis
There is nowhere in the world you can go to today where somebody hasn’t already planted some sort of seed. In many places, it may only be prayer, but we are now living in the era of partnership. Finding the right partners has become as essential as any task in the pursuit of Global mission.
Unique this year: The Network Hub
Made up of 25+ networks, both geographic and issue-focused networks – These networks allow us the opportunity to hear from church leaders and ministry practitioners who represent a global perspective on critical issues. This phenomenon of the coming together in networks of those most directly involved in a region or those focused on a particular issue has had two significant results. Networks are quickly becoming the best platform for leadership and the best space for the global Church to engage around a common challenge.
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Twitter Tweets
Explore unique partnership opportunities in the Great Commission. Join us on this 2018 Mission Leaders Conference happening from Thursday, September 20 to Saturday, September 22, 2018 at the Caribe Royale, Orlando, Florida. Register here: #2018MLC
Explore new and unique partnerships in the Great Commission. Join us on this 2018 Mission Leaders Conference happening from Thursday, September 20 to Saturday, September 22, 2018 in Orlando, Florida. Register here: #MissioNexusMLC #MissionLeadersConference
What’s happening on Sept. 20–22? The 2018 Mission Leaders Conference! Meet us in Caribe Royale, Orlando, FL! Expand your Missions Network and meet new partners for the Great Commission. Register now #MissioNexusMLC #MissionLeadersConference
Calling all Missions Leaders! Come unwind, relax and feed your inner man at the 2018 Mission Leaders Conference happening on Sept 20–22 at the Caribe Royale, Orlando, FL. To learn more and register: #MissioNexusMLC #MissionLeadersConference
Speaker Highlights:
The greatest fulfillment in life is to be like Him. —Leith Anderson. Learn more and register for Partnership #MissionLeadersConference Sept. 20–22, 2018 #MissioNexusMLC
We must learn to distinguish the hiss of serpents from the whisper of God. –Thabiti Anyabwile. Learn more and register for Partnership #MissionLeadersConference Sept. 20–22, 2018 #MissioNexusMLC
Shareable Email Content
We are so excited to participate in the Missio Nexus Mission Leaders Conference 2018 – Partnership this September in Orlando, FL!
The Mission Leaders Conference 2018 – Partnership exists to help mission leaders, church leaders and mission workers learn, meet and engage in the Great Commission. Bringing together speakers and networks from around the world, Missio Nexus hopes to encourage leaders towards a deeper, more engaging partnership in missions.
Our organization will be there and we hope you will be too!
For more information, visit