Other Recommended Mission Reads
by EMQ Editor
Archer, Clint. 2014. Holding the Rope: Short-term Missions, Long-term Impact. Pasadena, Calif.: William Carey Library.
Chan, Simon. 2014. Grassroots Asian Theology: Thinking the Faith from the Ground Up. Downers Grove, Ill.: IVP Academic.
Haykin, Michael A.G. and C. Jeffrey Robinson Sr. 2014. To the Ends of the Earth: Calvin’s Missional Vision and Legacy. Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway.
Keese, Tim. 2014. Dispatches from the Front: Stories of Gospel Advance in the World’s Difficult Places. Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway.
Little, Aaron. 2014. Water the Earth: A Student’s Guide to Missions. Ross-shire, U.K.: Christian Focus Publications.
Nowell, David. 2014. Dirty Faith: Bringing the Love of Christ to the Least of These. Minneapolis: Bethany House Publishers.
Stiles, J. Mack. 2014. Evangelism: How the Whole Church Speaks of Jesus. Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway.