Navigating the World of Seeking and Stewarding Foundation Funds

Details: September 29, 2023, 09:00 AM ET 

Workshop Track: MFA-Development

Primary Audience: Development Professionals and anyone involved in seeking grants

What are the essential elements that your organization needs to attract and retain funding from foundations?
What are the differences between major gift work and grantsmanship?
How can your organization navigate the shifting landscape and nature of these institutional funders?

Learning objectives:

  1. Gain the ability to assess your organization’s potential to secure and steward grant funding.
  2. Begin to put in place solutions to problem areas of your organization’s grant seeking efforts.
  3. Maximize your organization’s strengths in stewarding foundation funding.

Meet the Presenters

David Broussard

Group Vice-President, Grant Services


David Broussard

Group Vice-President, Grant Services


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