Equipping Missions for the Cultural Challenges of Singleness, Marriage & Sexuality

About Our Facilitators

Barry N. Danylak, PhD

Barry is a pastor, author and international speaker on the topic of singleness. Barry offers deep understanding of singleness in the biblical context from his research in the ancient world and New Testament (Ph.D. Cambridge; M.A. Trinity; M.S. Minnesota; Barry is an international speaker and author offering a fresh perspective on singleness, marriage and family viewed through the redemptive storyline of Scripture. With previous pastoral experience in one of Canada’s largest churches, Barry currently serves as the Executive Director for SEE Global (www.seeglobal.net), a ministry that equips the global church with a biblical paradigm of offspring and spiritual family that fully engages single adults into church community and kingdom service. He also serves on the executive committee of Shoulder-to-Shoulder, an international organization that develops training tools for equipping missions to address issues of singles and marrieds working together in today’s culture. Barry holds master’s degrees in theology and biblical exegesis from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and Wheaton College respectively, and a PhD from the University of Cambridge in New Testament. He is ordained with the Evangelical Missionary Church of Canada. Barry is author of a biblical theology of singleness entitled: Redeeming Singleness: How the Storyline of Scripture Affirms the Single Life (Crossway, 2010). Barry can be reached at barry@seeglobal.net.

Suzy Grumelot

Suzy Grumelot’s degrees are in Bible and Missions. She has served with World Team in urban church planting in France for the past 30+ years. She moved into Paris in 2011, taking responsibility for ‘The Paris Project’; a new initiative in innovative church planting. In 2012, with French partners, a historic new church was birthed in a central Paris neighborhood where no protestant church existed for 500 years. In addition to discipling women and overseeing Bible studies, a second phase of the project involves equipping new teams to be deployed in other districts. Suzy is involved with networking, prayer and mentoring of both new believers and new church planters. She serves on the field council and WT Global prayer team. She also serves on the executive team of Shoulder-to-Shoulder. She is co-author of the book Sacred Siblings: Valuing One Another for the Great Commission.

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