Webinar: Mission Increase: Discovering the Joy of Biblical Generosity

Description:  Ministry leaders have a complicated relationship with building capacity and sustainability. We see fundraising as a necessary evil and a distraction from our ‘real’ job. We will be sharing with you that development is indeed discipleship – discipleship in generosity. The North American church has much to share with the world; thus, as mission leaders, we have a ‘double prophetic role.’ We are called to be the tip of the spear to get the Gospel where it is not yet. We are also called to disciple the North American church to join us in the greatest commission ever given!

Presenters: Scott Harris, Vice President of Church and Global Engagement, Mission Increase and Rick Klein, Area Director for Mission Increase

Bio:  Born in San Jose, California, Scott grew up as a missionary kid in Barbados. Scott then served with the IMB at Spurgeon’s College in London and spent 7 years in Hong Kong as a student worker and church planter. Working as Missions Pastor from 2002-2020 at Brentwood Baptist outside Nashville, he joined Mission Increase last year.  Scott also served an IMB trustee from 2009-2017 and was as Chairman of the IMB Board in 2016-2017. Wife, Beth, was born in Taiwan to missionary parents and spent 30 years of her life in Taiwan, China and Hong Kong. The Harrises live in Brentwood with their 2 teenaged children, Elizabeth and Jonathan.

Rick Klein serves as the Area Director for Mission Increase North Texas, with over 20 years of experience in Christian ministry and stewardship. He holds the title of Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy (CAP) from the American College, and, most recently, served as the Executive VP with NCF North Texas. Prior to that role, he served 13 years with CURE International as Senior Vice President of Development. Rick earned his BA in accounting and business administration from Gordon College. He is a past and present member of several governance and advisory boards and is passionate about serving local Christian ministries. Rick loves caring for his yard, watching sports, and enjoying his family. He and his wife and 3 children reside in Frisco, Texas.

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