Missiology for Missions Pastors
Missio Nexus is curating a book about the challenges and opportunities that local church missions pastors face. This page is place for you to submit your ideas about what should be in that book as well as suggest possible authors.
Starting in the 1970s, churches began to appoint mission pastors. Today, some thousands of missions pastors and missions committees are active in local churches. Missiology for Missions Pastors will be an edited compilation of articles that focus on this relatively new and strategic role in the local church. Most of the chapters will be written by missions pastors. This book will focus on missiological issues that these pastors face, not the management of local church missions programs.
The current working list (subject to change) of suggested chapter titles/subject are:
- Defining mission(s) in a local church context
- The Indigenous Principal (understanding the importance of planting the Gospel into the culture)
- Using the Bible to Build Mission Vision in Your Church
Models / Forms of Church Mission
- Evaluating Strategies; Partnership, Sending, the Unreached, etc.
- Sending (the Biblical model, the role and limits of sending, and how to create a culture of sending)
- Short Term Ministry (pros and cons, realities, and best practices)
- Marketplace Ministry (history, pros and cons, current state)
- Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the Ends of the Earth…why each matter for the church
- Redemptive vs. Restorative ministry – why each matter for the church – cup of cold water/cup of living water
- Diaspora Ministry and Global Outreach
- Role of the Western Church in Global Missions Today
- Supporting National Ministry
Cross-Cultural Issues
- Cross-Cultural Topics Your Church Should Know (overview of landmines, opportunities, and basic issues)
- Western Attitudes (how to develop a serving, mutuality in an age of mission from everywhere to everywhere)
- Preparing a congregation for cross-cultural ministry, both local and globally (including local ethnic communities).
- Money Issues (why money issues are always present, dependency, and best practices)
- Partnership (different cultures and how that leads to conflict and confusion from the start: business agreement, family relationship, patron-client relationship, or social network)
Philosophy of Ministry
- Engaging the Whole Church (how to empower all members of your congregation for Great Commission ministry)
- Promoting missionary longevity (retention, missionary care, etc.)
- Church Size and Missions
- Regional cooperation and networking can help smaller churches.
- Virtual Ministry / Digital Ministry