Missiographics Library
2017 Top Quotes from Missio Nexus
As 2017 comes to a close, we have crafted a year-end Missiographic to help us reflect on many inspiring and thought provoking ideas that have been written about and spoken in the Missio Nexus community over this past year.
Mission Staffing and Financing
The recent release of the North American Mission Handbook includes data on both staffing and finances for agencies in the US and Canada. As a collective, agencies have remained stable in their sending of missionaries and finances. As can be expected, there were significant changes within individual organizations. This new Missiographic provides an overview of the current status of staffing and finances for the North American movement.
Primary Activities of Mission Organizations
As you read this brief report, the facts will testify to themselves: God calls and His people respond. With worldly wisdom this simply is difficult to understand. But under the power of His Holy Spirit, God moves His people to do things that simply don’t make sense humanly speaking. When God calls His people, selfless service is rendered to our King for the advancement of His Kingdom.
Mission Motives
As you read this brief report, the facts will testify to themselves: God calls and His people respond. With worldly wisdom this simply is difficult to understand. But under the power of His Holy Spirit, God moves His people to do things that simply don’t make sense humanly speaking. When God calls His people, selfless service is rendered to our King for the advancement of His Kingdom.
Mission CEOs Survey
What are the challenges and opportunities that confront CEOs of ministries? One hundred and sixty mission CEOs were surveyed and have offered their perspective on the biggest and most important areas they face personally and organizationally. This Missiographic explores and highlights key data insights from the full published report.
The Blossoming of the Korean Mission Movement
The Korean mission movement is an amazing mission story of the past 40 years. For much of that time it has been well documented by the Korea Research Institute for Mission, and the picture is very clear. Praise God for it, and also pray for it as the growth has slowed down a great deal in recent years.
A Journey of Opportunity: Following God’s Direction in China
As the church in China has grown, its needs have changed. How can outsiders understand, encourage and partner with the church in China? By listening and learning how the church and its needs have changed.
Are We Getting Anywhere In Mission?
Christians as a percentage of the world population has changed little. While this may be surprising news, there is good news to be shared. Explore the different signs of growth in the church globally.