Providing Insight You Need
Whether you are trying to mobilize people into mission or thinking through a challenging mission issue, you need insight. Increasingly our culture is gaining valuable insights from visual presentations of data (infographics). We are committed to bringing you insightful data to help you make Spirit-led decisions. Missiographics brings mission data and powerful visuals together in a dynamic combination.
Latest Missiographics
Global Bible Translation (2024)
Unprecedented advances in technology, innovation and collaboration among the global church are accelerating the pace of Bible translation like never before.
Global Bible Translation
Unprecedented advances in technology, innovation and collaboration among the global church are accelerating the pace of Bible translation like never before.
Why Infographics?
It is harder than ever to break through the clutter of information. We need new tools to communicate effectively. Infographics are one of those tools. Did you know an infographic is 30 times more likely to be interacted with than an article? By presenting data visually, you allow more data to be presented more quickly with greater impact!
How You Can Use Infographics
Infographics are an amazing tool to engage your various audiences about key information that is impacting your ministry. Infographics are being used for awareness, fundraising and strategic planning.
Missiographics 1.0
A sweeping visual narrative that draws you into the realities of our world and God’s global Church. With short visually-designed chapters, each infographic is accompanied by analysis to help you understand the issue and engage others with it.
Missiographics 2.0
Stunning graphics illustrate the best available data on the spread of the gospel. Veteran missiologist and researcher Gilles Gravelle fills in the gaps with a detailed text that teases out the implications of the trends that are changing our world.