Marching Off the Map: Inspire Students to Navigate a Brand New World

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Leader’s Edge (Leadership)

Marching Off the Map: Inspire Students to Navigate a Brand New World

Tim Elmore

Publisher: Poet Gardener Publishing; 1st edition 2017, 242 pages
ISBN: 978-0996697064
ASIN: B073VWV563


This book is another in a long line of books about generational change and specific age cohorts. With a focus on the youngest up and coming generation, Elmore outlines the differences that these kids bring to our society. He then goes into an exploration of how we might consider helping these kids as they deal with the realities of their sometimes-shocking reality. There are many examples of how the youngest generational cohort is using screens (Elmore calls them “screenagers”) and the overwhelming presence of social media in their lives. The book moves into the much larger challenge of utilizing these very differences to the benefit of the next generation.

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