Let My People Go – The Life of Robert A. Jaffray       

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Leader’s Edge: Missionary Biographies

Let My People Go – The Life of Robert A. Jaffray*

By A.W. Tozer   

Christian Publications, 1947 

108 Pages 

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This book was Tozer’s second biographical work, the first being Wingspread, on the life of A. B. Simpson. He wrote many other books, notably Knowledge of the Holy and Pursuit of God as well as serving in long pastorates in Chicago and Toronto. 

Who is this person?

Robert Alexander Jaffray was the second son of a wealthy, irreligious Canadian businessman and owner of the Toronto Globe. His mother took responsibility for his spiritual life, and he became a believer in the Presbyterian Church as a teenager. A few years later, he heard A. B. Simpson preaching on missions in Toronto, at which point Jaffray committed his life to Christ, sensing God’s call to missionary service. An overwhelming burden for the lost came upon him; and immediately he planned on going to Simpson’s Missionary Training Institute (MTI) in New York City. His father opposed the plan and refused to support him or help finance his studies. Finally, his father gave assent to his going to New York and working his way through school, thinking that he would give up and return home. However, Jaffray did not quit and studied from 1893 to 1896, and then was sent out as an Alliance missionary to Wuchow, Kuangsi (Wuzhou, Guangxi,) South China in 1897. Jaffray later became the leader of the South China Alliance Mission, and in due course opened missionary work in French Indo-China (Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos), and later in Indonesia. He died in a Japanese Internment Camp in 1945, not long before WW II ended. 

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