Categories: Articles, EMQ, Section, Volume 43 - Issue 4
Missio Nexus
Our mission is to catalyze relationships, ideas, and collaboration within the Great Commission community.
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Lessons from a Merger
Seven lessons learned from the successful merger of AEF and SIM.
Evaluating “A Common Word”: The Problem of “Points of Contact”
Why “points of contact” between Christianity and Islam are mythical—and why Christians must stay true to the task of missions that lies before us.
Partnership and the Strategic Role of Networks
Description: We live in an unprecedented period of mission history. The new paradigm of “from anywhere to everywhere” is by nature complex, resulting in an increasing…
Brian McLaren’s Contextualization of the Gospel
A distinguished professor of missions shares how the Emergent Church Movement and the beliefs of one of its best-known supporters, Brian McLaren, differ from traditional IFMA beliefs.
Brian McLaren’s Contextualization of the Gospel
A distinguished professor of missions shares how the Emergent Church Movement and the beliefs of one of its best-known supporters, Brian McLaren, differ from traditional IFMA beliefs.