Leadership Development

Missio Nexus creates opportunities for launching joint solutions to issues faced by our members. Together we can cultivate innovation by being exposed to new ideas, out-of-the-box thought leaders, and unique solutions faced by others pursuing the Great Commission. The following leadership training programs are designed to develop collaborative action in our community.

24-hr Events

A 24-hour immersion on a specific topic with mission activists, colleagues, and leaders to collaborate.

Find upcoming 24 events

Emerging Leaders

How to build an effective missions culture in which team members are confident with their abilities, strong in their spirituality, and inspired to be on mission is central to this multi-day experience. Because the vitality and influence of any organization depends on the maturity and effectiveness of their team members, Critical Skills for Emerging Leaders focuses on how to engage those team members and maximize their kingdom impact.

Explore leadership training opportunities

Peer-2-Peer Retreats

For CEOS: Executive leadership and networking event with directed peer discussions, case studies, networking, and inspirational sessions.

For Church Mission Leaders: Leadership and networking event with directed peer discussions, case studies, networking, and inspirational sessions.

Check the event schedule for the next Peer-2-Peer retreats

Mission Leaders Conference

Our annual conference for mission leaders host featured speakers, specialized tracks and numerous networking opportunities.

Learn more at MissionLeadersConference.org


OnBoard is an initiative of Missio Nexus to walk alongside mission organization CEOs and Church Mission Leaders. Our desire is to assist these leaders in their adjustment to the new role, new team and perhaps new organization. Leaders will be engaged both one-on-one and will also have the opportunity to interact as a group with other leaders who are in similar positions.

Find out more about OnBoard


Informal networking opportunity for sharpening ideas and broadening perspectives with like-minded peers.

See what roundtables are scheduled

Women’s Leadership Events

Special opportunities for women in leadership to network and partner with each other. Find more opportunities to connect with other women leaders involved in the great commission.

Engage with Women in Mission