Language Learning in the 21st Century: Press for Success!

Details: September 29, 2023, 09:00 AM ET 

Workshop Track: Training

Primary Audience: Organization leaders, team leaders, CEOs, COOs, strategists, member care and training providers.

The role of language learning in effective global missions in the 21st century remains an overlooked yet monumental piece of the puzzle. Missionaries struggle to reach a high enough language proficiency for ministry. Teams struggle to understand which languages are important for ministry and how to best learn them. Organizations struggle to know how to best incorporate language learning into strategies, policies, procedures, and budgets.

This session will address questions such as:
-What do we now know about the relationship between language learning and missionary longevity?
-What must organizations consider in 21st century policy-making related to language learning?
-What is the role of language learning now, given wide-spread English use and new technologies?
-How can we help missionaries be more effective for the long-haul?

Meet the Presenters

Dr. Natalie Mullen Leisher

Director of the Institute for Cross-Cultural Training

Wheaton College

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