It’s not Easter, surely.

By Evan Batten

You’ve started to wonder if it’s really March because it was only yesterday that you were setting up the Christmas tree right?

Is it just me, or are the challenges of this year approaching at a greater pace than last?

In this video we share some of the successes we’ve seen in 2023, stories that will inspire you to help those field teams who are struggling to raise support.

Yes, in May the next round of courses start – still at a low price point for field workers.

A total of 12 hours of live and interactive zoom workshops across 6 sessions, with one to one coaching as they become familiar with the techniques.

We’ve responded to your feedback about the courses and how they’re offered to your time poor leadership teams.

Move You Media is offering tailored packages with the same content and one to one coaching.

Choices too for support teams to attend shorter and more frequent live workshops.

All that means you have a greater opportunity to include these techniques in your busy schedules and switch up how you communicate with your teams, stake holders, major donors and field workers.

Imagine if by the end of 2024 the 3 or 4 field workers you’re thinking about right now, who might soon have to head back to visit their sending churches, imagine instead they discover how to create compelling video content.

Their supporters respond with deeper engagement and increased giving.

The workers continue to build relationships where they’re based. Their great influence continues to build, both in field and amongst supporters.

We’ve partnered with Move You Media to offer discounts on their workshops as a benefit to Missio Nexus members. Learn more about this benefit here.

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