Inspired HR: The Intersection of Law, Spirituality, and Common Sense

Employment law is changing fast, particularly in ways that impact religious organizations. Religious liberties are being challenged daily. Current issues include sexual orientation, overtime, joint employers, disabilities, defamation, and more. And that’s just in the United States. HR personnel also need to be aware of the potential implications of international law. What are further complications of crossing borders? What steps can you take? How should your policies address these issues while effectively serving global missions and staying consistent with your spiritual vision? Join us at the intersection of law, spirituality, and common sense.

Theresa Sidebotham is an attorney with Telios Law and spouse member of Beyond. She was an MK and missionary in Indonesia. She is legal counsel to numerous missions, addressing multiple values of improving organizational/HR policy, supporting religious liberties, investigating effectively, caring for MKs and members, and minimizing litigation exposure.

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