Innovate 2021 Workshop Sandbox

Workshop Tracks Sandbox


Standards Introductory Workshop - Part 1 and 2

Tuesday | 1:00 – 9:00 PM
Wednesday | 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Primary Audience
Church and organizational staff, mission committee members, and team leaders

SOE’s Standards Introductory Workshop (SIW) is a 10-hour seminar designed to help short-term mission leaders and mobilizers make their mission trips better. We’ll examine the Seven Standards of Excellence and how these key ideas form a road map to excellent, God-honoring mission trips. The workshop is taught by experienced SOE trainers, is interactive and collaborative, and uses case studies and small group discussions to draw out how you can begin applying The Seven Standards to your specific ministry context. Tuesday evening dinner is included.

Day 1
On day 1, we’ll lay the foundation for the workshop by considering the MISTM grid which defines the phases of a mission trip (pre-, on-, post-trip) and the participants (senders, goers, receivers). We’ll continually return to this grid as we consider how the first five standards shape the way we plan and carry out mission trips. Day 1 standards include God-Centeredness, Empowering Partnership, Mutual Design, Comprehensive Administration, and Qualified Leadership.

Day 2
On day 2, we’ll examine the final two standards–Appropriate Training and Thorough Follow-Through. We’ll finish the workshop by providing an assessment tool to help you determine the strengths and weaknesses of your mission program so you can begin to take tangible next steps. You’ll receive a notebook and dozens of additional tools and resources to help you begin applying the standards as you return to your ministry. You’ll also walk away with a network of like-minded mission practitioners eager and willing to share in the journey of being a mission mobilizer.

Presented By

Kathy Mort
Tory Ruark
Don Johnson
Randy Schmor

Wednesday, 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Primary Audience
Controllers and financial directors

For mission organizations working locally and overseas, it’s vital to have open dialogue on the best practices impacting finances and accounting. Join us for a discussion of key considerations, including do’s, don’ts, and suggested policies for deputized fundraising; grant agreements and working with foreign entities; seconded workers at sending and receiving organizations; foreign earned income; the treatment of missionary benefits; and dealing with parsonages. We’ll also cover the policies you should have in place, such as conflict of interest, whistleblower, gift acceptance, and intellectual property policies.

Learning Objectives

  • Facilitate open dialog on best practices impacting finances and accounting at mission organizations working locally and overseas
  • Identify key issues for your organization to consider and address, including deputized fundraising, grant agreements and foreign entities, seconded workers, foreign earned income, treatment of missionary benefits, and parsonages
  • Assess and adopt appropriate policies for your organization, such as conflict of interest, whistleblower protection, gift acceptance, and intellectual property policies

Accounting 4.0 CPE hours

Presented By

Tim Sims
Rick Creel

Wednesday, 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Primary Audience
CFOs and financial leaders

The CFO Roundtable is an opportunity for experienced financial leaders to network, interact, and learn from their peers. This highly interactive forum will equip leaders to discover the answers to the most complicated mission-critical issues and empower you to overcome your current or next challenge.

After attending, you will have an expanded perspective on financial best practices and how to implement these ideas in your work responsibilities as CFOs share:

  • solutions they’ve found
  • pitfalls they’ve experienced
  • the lessons they have learned

Best of all, you’ll hear war stories and examples of do’s and don’ts.

Learning Objectives

  • Discuss examples, solutions, and lessons learned from financial leaders
  • Identify and apply financial best practices in your work responsibilities

Specialized Knowledge 4.0 CPE hours

Presented By

Ted R. Batson, Jr

Wednesday, 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Primary Audience
CIOs and other leaders providing information technology

The purpose of the CIO Roundtable is to create a place for technology leaders to network with peers, learn about the latest technologies, discuss challenges, find new solutions and get advice from other colleagues. It is designed for senior IT executives and is aimed at helping them address strategic IT opportunities and challenges in a globally connected world.

Learning Objectives

  • To identify the latest technologies and how they may benefit your organization
  • To ascertain technology challenges facing mission organizations
  • To review potential solutions
  • To assess and address strategic IT opportunities

Information Technology 4.0 CPE hours

Presented By

Dan Brown

Development Roundtable: Annual Fundraising Plan & Asking with Confidence, Courage, and Conviction

Wednesday | 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Primary Audience
C-Suite level ministry leaders who are responsible for fundraising

Remember January 2020? We all had great ideas and visions for the year and beyond. And then March hit us and we all got caught needing to reassess our plans and objectives for the year and beyond. We will help you develop, reshape, and hone an Annual Fundraising Plan.

Do you or members of your team struggle in the area of asking for support for your ministry? We will encourage you in your approach with major donors as well as give you the tools to have a well thought out and executable plan. Understanding fundraising as ministry, the importance of planning for the meeting (before, during and after) will help give you and your team the courage, confidence and conviction to ask.

Learning Objective
Implement best practices to develop, reshape, and hone an Annual Fundraising Plan for your organization.

Participants will learn what is involved in and receive tools for a comprehensive Annual Fundraising Plan including:

  • Reviewing Mission and Vision
  • Assessing Current Fundraising Operations
  • Data Gathering
  • Setting Strategic Fundraising Goals
  • Setting Financial Goals by income channel
  • Implementation Tactics and Review Process
  • Ongoing Evaluation Process

Participants will learn what is involved in and receive tools for Major Gift Fundraising Strategy including:

  • Donor Assessment Tool, who is connected, capable and ready
  • Tracking Tools,
  • Real Time Case for Support with Major Donor focus
  • One-Sheet Proposal Tool
  • Monthly Meeting Coordination Tool
  • Strategies for “Getting the Meeting”, “Having the Meeting”, “Making the Ask” and “Follow Up Plan”

Specialized Knowledge 4.5 CPE hours

Presented By

Rick Klein

Wednesday | 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Primary Audience
Team Leaders and Agency/Church Staff

The world we live in is experiencing unprecedented, accelerated change. How do we manage our core mission while also creating and executing innovation that addresses disruption and chaos? How do I keep from seeing innovation as a pile of cluttered puzzle pieces on a table without a box top to assemble? How should we respond in order to best serve the Kingdom?

We invite you to join us in learning the keys to creating a culture of innovation, the importance of embracing a lifestyle of innovation, and the tool of Design Thinking that will equip you to confidently engage in the unknown future. The Seeds team will give you a simple framework that allows you to see the box top of the innovation puzzle and a sense of what it can look like for your organization. Come participate in our active learning environment and take some tools to help cultivate innovative thinking within your teams and organizations – we can’t wait to see you there!

Presented by

Rob Wassel

Singleness, Sexuality, and Marriage: Theology and Application for Missions

Wednesday | 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Culture is rapidly changing with respect to marriage, singleness and sexuality. Mission organizations need biblically grounded tools and resources to provide constructive responses to these changes relevant for all cultures. How do we respond to the cultural challenges? How do we live out the reality of who we are in Christ as we serve together? How do we effectively value and leverage every member?

Learning Objectives
This event will equip participants to develop answers to these questions through:

  • Understanding the cultural trends on singleness and marriage around the world
  • Presenting a fresh biblical perspective on singleness, marriage and sexuality
  • Addressing issues and challenges of sexuality
  • Providing research and feedback from missionaries across the globe

This workshop will be facilitated by Shoulder to Shoulder, an initiative of One Another Ministries.

Presented by

Barry Danylak, PhD
Suzy Grumelot

Position and Practice on Women: Exploring Issues and Implications

Wednesday | 8:00 AM

Primary Audience
Anyone who feels a need for more clarity on issues/implications

Too many of us have been afraid of getting into a conversation about women in ministry because we really aren’t sure where we are on the subject, why we’ve landed where we are, or how others have come to different conclusions! Evangelicals in the inerrancy camp understand differently the position and practice around men and women in ministry, even within the same mission agency. We want to take this time to let you come to a place of more clarity in your own personal journey as well as reflect on how the issue may impact the men and women in your agency.

Learning Objectives

Together we will:

  • Learn how to have a respectful conversation as we explore together
  • Offer understanding of the variety of views within the inerrancy camp, from Traditional to Complementarian to Egalitarian
  • Explore the variety of practices of Christians, even within each view, in the home, church, wider culture
  • Consider the impact of history/culture on women from the early church through modern missions

Facilitated by

Wendy Wilson
Dr Rob Dixon
Heather Althoff

Executive Leadership

Mission without Empire - When the Global South Joins the Mission Force

Wednesday | 3:45 PM

Primary Audience
Mission executives and leaders

Is the apparent shift of the center of gravity for Christian witness a reality? What are some of the evidences of the apparent shift. Could the global church maintain missions from the ‘West to the Rest’? Are the missiological strategies still viable and transferrable? How valuable and relevant would the call; “From the whole church to the whole world” be utilized with our current realities? What posture should the global church take in innovative dialogue on God’s Mission? What challenges and responsibilities would the global church embrace? To what extent should the global church ‘discern the body of Christ, in its pursuit God’s mission.

Key Takeaways
Together, we will discuss:

  • When missiology meets ecclesiology.
  • ‘Mission without empire’
  • Can mission thrive without power?
  • What posture should receivers and senders take in global Mission?

Presented By

Dr. Lazarus Phiri

Thursday | 8:30 AM

Primary Audience
Leaders in a variety of mission contexts who want to learn how design thinking increases innovation

Design thinking is a process-oriented, collaborative approach to supporting greater innovation in teams and organizations.

Learning Objectives
In this presentation, participants will:

  • Understand the basic principles of design thinking
  • Learn the key steps involved in a design thinking process
  • Consider how to apply design thinking to produce innovative solutions in response to a variety of complex challenges in a missions context.

Strategies will be presented for both missions agencies and short-term programs.

Presented By

Bethany Peters
Jolene Erlacher


Session Recording