Meet Our Partners
Partner Discounts: If you are affiliated with one of our partners be sure to ask your contact person for a discount code before registering for Innovate 2021.
The Mission Leaders Conference would not be possible without the support of our partners.
Standards of Excellence in Short-Term Mission
A non-profit networking and accrediting organization committed to educating and equipping churches, schools, and mission organizations in order to strengthen the short-term missions movement.
National African American Missions Council (NAAMC)
The purpose of the National African American Missions Council is to train, equip and mobilize believers for world missions and help those involved in missions to network with one another. NAAMC assists those involved in missions with the development of mutually beneficial global partnerships.
Missio Nexus Alliance for Benefits
Affordable group healthcare plans designed for Great Commission organizations
Ministries of all sizes can now offer great employee health benefits. Missio Benefits makes it easy to explore, select and customize a program based on your organization’s unique needs and budget requirements.
One Body. One Church. One Mission.
We help churches and ministries join together to offer affordable healthcare insurance plans based on Christian values.
Sixteen:Fifteen exists to help local churches discover and use their unique gifts and partnership with others to make Christ known among all nations! Since 2004 we have been mobilizing churches to be central players and full partners in the global mission of God by providing thought-provoking content, consulting, and in-depth coaching.
To learn more about unleashing your church’s potential to reach the nations visit
RightNow Media
Revolutionizing ministry.
We believe the mission of the church matters. And we’ve seen how God can change lives through video resources. That’s why we developed RightNow Media. Now, every person in your church can access over 20,000 Biblically-based videos for small groups, families, students, leadership development, and much more. We hope to help you equip and disciple the people of your church.
Bible Mesh
Missio Nexus has partnered with BibleMesh to create a new certificate program designed to meet the requirements for theological preparation. Whether your ministry is focused on church planting, discipleship, or evangelism, these courses will give you a foundation for ministry.