The Porn Phenomenon and its Potential Impact On Mission Recruitment & Retention

Presented by: Bishop David Perrin

Too often, men and women have no where to go when they struggle with a secret sin. Let’s stop shooting our wounded. Instead, help people find healing and restoration. No one is immune from the enticing trap of pornography. A Christianity Today survey showed about 70% of men and 30% of women in the church say they have an ongoing struggle. Science shows that watching pornography taps into our brain’s powerful neurochemistry, which can quickly lead to habitual use. Thankfully, the brain has a lifelong ability to wire and rewire itself, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ provides believers the supreme advantage in breaking free. Discover why people become obsessed and how to break the cycle of porn use. 

Bishop David Perrin is committed to making disciples who loving advance the Kingdom of God. He accepted Christ as his Savior while studying to be an actor at Carnegie Mellon University. Over the course of his ministry, he has had the privilege to serve as a chaplain for Tom Skinner Associates at Howard University and to pastor four churches and has planted numerous churches within the United States and overseas. In 1998, he became the founding prelate of Great Commission Global Ministries, Inc. (GCGM) renamed Boundless Ministries, Inc. a ministry committed to: Networking, Equipping and Mobilizing African Americans for world missions.   Boundless Ministries plants churches/ministries with a mission DNA both within the United States and internationally. As a result, in 2012 Boundless Ministries in partnership with SIM USA, established The National African American Missions Conference (NAAMC), which is held annually. Bishop Perrin also serves as the Chairman of the Board for SIM USA. His hobbies include film writing; play writing; drama coaching; swimming and business building.

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