How to Subscribe to Missio Nexus Podcasts

Did you know there are two Missio Nexus podcasts? Here’s how you can listen to them right now.

Did you know Missio Nexus has two podcasts? The Missio Nexus Podcast features interviews with activists on topics related to current trends affecting missiology and strategies behind the global Christian movement. Our Members Only Podcast is a unique benefit for the Missio Nexus members featuring webinars, leader’s edge author interviews, and special event recordings.

There are so many ways to listen to Missio Nexus’s podcasts. The easiest way to keep up is by subscribing, which allows you to automatically download episodes to your computer or mobile device.

Additionally, you can use your smart assistant to subscribe/listen to the Missio Nexus Podcast. Try saying “Play Missio Nexus Podcast” or “Play the first episode of Missio Nexus Podcast.”

You can also ask your smart assistant for information about the podcast that is currently playing and request to be subscribed. For example: “What podcast is this?” or “Subscribe to this show.”

Learn more: Missio Nexus Podcasts



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