Categories: Articles, EMQ, Section, Volume 31 - Issue 4
Missio Nexus
Our mission is to catalyze relationships, ideas, and collaboration within the Great Commission community.
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How to Communicate in a Relational Culture
In a relational culture, not surprisingly, relationships are primary.
Welcoming the Stranger
Presenter: Matthew Soerens, US Director of Church Mobilization, World Relief Description: Refugee and immigration issues have dominated headlines globally recently. While many American Christians view these…
The Poor: A Case of Mistaken Identity?
Currently, article after article and book after book refer to the poor? But seldom is the word poor carefully defined.
The Poor: A Case of Mistaken Identity?
Currently, article after article and book after book refer to the poor? But seldom is the word poor carefully defined.
Spiritual Adoption & Africa: Potential for Changing a Landscape
How “spiritually adopting” African young people can lead to a revolution of “Timothys” who will bring hope to their worlds.