Grit to Stay, Grace to Go: Staying Well in Cross-Cultural Ministry
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Leader’s Edge: Missions & Ministry
Grit to Stay, Grace to Go: Staying Well in Cross-Cultural Ministry*
By Sue Eenigenburg and Eva Burkholder
William Carey Publishing, 2023
230 ebook pages
*As an Amazon Associate Missio Nexus earns from qualifying purchases.
This book presents in practical ways that “going, staying, and being left to carry on (cross-cultural ministry) are all hard and each one requires grit and grace” (page xv). It argues for not leaving too soon in mission (when grit is needed) and for not staying too long either (when grace is needed). In part 1 of their workbook or handbook (as the co-authors call their book), major challenges in staying (e.g., continual adjusting, juggling roles, rootlessness, different expectations; loneliness) are addressed. In Part 2, the workbook raises concerns in staying well (or saying goodbye to colleagues who leave), like betrayal, anger, disappointment, and overwork. In Part 3, key questions are asked regarding whether gospel messengers are to decide to stay or go (when both grit and grace are needed).
Leader’s Edge
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