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Is This What Paul Told the Press?
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DIRECTOR: Sit down. I had no idea we were getting in the news. What are you interested in? I've got an hour before I meet the converts in Tyrannus's hall.
Periodically Speaking: A Survey of Significant Articles about Missions
The Quiet Miracle is a missions periodical that I only recently became familiar with. It's published by Bible Literature International, and like most mission publications, it's free for the asking. It's a 24-page full-color magazine, with thought-provoking informative articles-well worth your time in writing for it (P.O. Box 477, Columbus, Ohio 43216)
When Your Audience is Clueless
The clueless are the informational have-nots, who, like the poor of the world, constitute the vast majority and often represent the more difficult challenge.
Global Report
Some foreign governments, especially anti-Western ones, for years have accused missionaries of being spies. Reports now coming to light substantiate these charges in some instances. Although the practice has virtually ceased, the implication of these reports may place the entire missionary effort under suspicion.