Global Disciples Appoints North America President to Address Rapid Growth

Dr. Jeremy Campbell is Tasked with Increasing Awareness and Support across North America

LANCASTER, PENNSYLVANIA – June 12, 2023 – Global Disciples, the near-culture missions organization active in 65 countries, has appointed Dr. Jeremy Campbell to serve in the newly created role of North America President.

Founded in 1996, Global Disciples has experienced rapid multiplication of its discipleship, leadership, and small business training programs aimed at helping local churches reach least-reached people groups in their own or near cultures. In April, the organization surpassed 3,000 active programs – a milestone in program growth of 1,000 programs in just two years. It took Global Disciples 21 years to reach the first 1,000 programs but only four more to reach 2,000.

The new North American leader, who took up his post on May 6, is tasked with increasing awareness and support for the missions organization in an effort to become nationally known and supported. He will also serve on the international Executive Team and provide overall leadership for Human Resources globally.

“As Global Disciples continues to grow and multiply programs, the need to strengthen our prayer base, to engage more financial partners, and do more to promote the vision to see every person have an opportunity to choose and follow Christ is also increasing,” says Galen Burkholder, Global Disciples founder and CEO. “Jeremy is a welcome addition to our leadership team to help us continue on the path of healthy growth and multiplication.”

According to Floyd Zook, Chairman of Global Disciples’ U.S. Foundation Board and owner of Zook Interiors in Ephrata, Pennsylvania, “It’s clear that the time has come to hire a leader to supervise the U.S. staff and collaborate with Global Disciples Canada. This leaves our CEO more time to travel and attend to the 3,000 programs we run across Africa, Southeast Asia, and Latin America – where most of the world’s least-reached people groups are located.”

Campbell most recently served as Associate Professor of Business Administration at Lancaster Bible College. Before moving into academia, he had 18 years’ business experience – 11 of which involved management-level work.

“I have been familiar with the work of Global Disciples for many years and am both humbled and excited to serve with this great organization and to advance our mission to reach the one-third of our world that hasn’t yet heard the Gospel,” says Campbell.

Campbell was raised in Papua New Guinea, where his parents served with Wycliffe Bible Translators for over 40 years prior to their retirement in early 2023. He also served for two years on the MV Doulos, the ocean vessel run by the non-profit Christian organization Good Books for All.

The new North America President spent his first month on the job traveling to Kenya and Thailand to familiarize him with Global Disciples’ missions operations.

About Global Disciples

Global Disciples assists in the development of locally-sustainable trainings in discipleship-mission, small business, and leadership, which result in reproducing fellowships of believers. We equip, connect, and facilitate cooperation in the global Body of Christ among clusters of churches in 65 nations focused on reaching those least-reached with the Gospel. We believe that local expressions of the Body of Christ in close proximity to least-reached people are best able to reach them to see every person have an opportunity to choose and follow Jesus Christ. For more information, go to

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