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The Web and World Religions
We devote the majority of this article to three categories—general religion sites, new religions and cults, and Islam—followed by briefer coverage of about a dozen other religions in alphabetical order.
The Web and World Religions
We devote the majority of this article to three categories—general religion sites, new religions and cults, and Islam—followed by briefer coverage of about a dozen other religions in alphabetical order.
Academic Societies and Academic Sites Supporting Mission Research
Most of the sites referenced in this article are focused on evangelical and Protestant Christian mission, and we’ve included a few Roman Catholic sites of particular value for evangelicals.
Online Member Care Resources
An update of missionary care resources online.
Africa and Missions on the Web
In view of the fact that Africa is the focus for this issue of EMQ, we decided to explore what we could find relating to Africa and missions in this installment of “Missions on the Web.”