Getting Over Yourself: Trading Believe-in-Yourself Religion for Christ-Centered Christianity
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Leader’s Edge (Spiritual Formation)
Getting Over Yourself: Trading Believe-in-Yourself Religion for Christ-Centered Christianity
By: Dean Inserra
Moody Publishers, 2021, 172 Pages
The contemporary message of the world exhorts us to believe that we are promised and entitled the biggest and best life can possibly offer. As we in missions know, this cuts right across the grain of the necessary missionary posture of self-denial and sacrifice. In this book, Dean Inserra calls believers to reject the hollow calls of personal prosperity, self-focus and self-absorption. The book helps believers learn how to identify this insidious, popular prosperity theology in churches, and examines its devastating effects on Christians in general. Inserra helps one to learn how to combat prosperity thinking with gospel truth that leads to the abundant life Jesus desires for His people.