Networking Opportunities
The Mission Leaders Conference provides numerous opportunities to connect with colleagues and peers.
Networking Schedule
Thursday, Sept 19
2:45 PM | Women’s Networking Coffee
5:45 PM | Table Discussion Groups
8:30 PM | SOE Reception
8:30 PM | Diaspora Ministry Reception
8:30 PM | Canadian Networking Reception
Friday, Sept 20
7:00 AM | Women in Executive Leadership Breakfast*
12:00 PM | CEO Networking Luncheon*
12:00 PM | Church Mission Leader Networking Luncheon*
12:00 PM | Second-in-Command Networking Luncheon*
5:45 PM | Table Discussion Groups
8:30 PM | Ethnic Inclusion in Missions Reception
*Pre-Registration Required
Women’s Networking Coffee
Connect with other women who are “on task for the Kingdom!” In a large conference it’s helpful to have a smaller space to get to know others with similar commitments as well as meet new friends to expand our network of resources, ideas, and encouragement for the variety of ways we serve as women! Join us during this intentional women to women coffee break. Hosted by Wendy Wilson, Missio Nexus Mission Advisor for Development of Women. No cost involved or pre-registration required.
Standards of Excellence Reception
Join us as we share exciting updates and announcements in a casual, face-to-face networking reception, ideal for SOE members and others who are interested in the SOE. No cost involved or pre-registraton required.
Diaspora Ministry Reception (Specialists, Champion Leaders)
Are you responsible for helping your mission agency or church network engage with people who are migrating around the world? Or, are you an agency/network leader who champions the integration of ministry to migrating peoples more fully into your organization? Are you a specialist looking for a peer learning community where you can share ideas and encourage one another as specialists focused on diaspora ministry implementation? If so, please join us at our Diaspora Ministry Reception. No cost involved or pre-registration required.
Ethnic Inclusion in Missions Reception
Join us in an effort to gather ethnic groups in Missio Nexus, get to know each other, and discuss the ethnic experience within the North American mission framework. This may lead to further gatherings to build greater connectivity, examine blind spots and challenges, and explore how to better develop an inclusive perspective within the North American mission framework. No cost involved or pre-registration required.
Canadian Networking Reception
Join other church and mission leaders from Canada for an informal time of fellowship, introductions, and networking. Facilitated by Rob “Mags” Magwood. No cost involved or pre-registraton required.
Table Discussion Groups
For many, Table Discussion Groups are a highlight of the Mission Leaders Conference. They provide a great platform for networking with others around topics of mutual interest. Volunteer to facilitate a table discussion of your choice or select one from a list of options. Stay tuned for more information on Table Discussion Groups in the weeks leading up to Future Mission. Suggest a Topic »
Women in Executive Leadership Breakfast
Join us for a hot breakfast and coffee to get your day started. The real reward is the time to network with other women in leadership, connect with new peers for collaboration and personal friendship, interact on current issues relevant to a woman’s leadership path, and find out about various opportunities created to support you as a woman in ministry leadership. Plus Jennifer Holloran, the newly appointed COO for Wycliffe Bible Translators, will be sharing with us about her journey of following God into “the C-suite.” It’s worth getting up for! Hosted by Wendy Wilson, Missio Nexus Mission Advisor for Development of Women, Exec Director – Women’s Development Track. The cost is $24. Pre-registration is required.
CEO Networking Luncheon
Join other CEOs in a unique networking opportunity as we hear from Dr. Paul Chitwood, the President of the IMB. We will make sure to leave time for table discussion and relationship building. Meet your colleagues and interact among peers. Hosted by Ted Esler, President, Missio Nexus. There is no cost to this luncheon but pre-registration is required. Please – this event is for agency leaders only.
2iC Networking Luncheon
Your title may have a C or VP in it but you are the one at your organization or church that is the 2iC, the Second in Command. Those who are Second in Command often find themselves in the midst of decision-making, problem-solving, and vision defining interactions from morning till evening. So take a break! Come to the 2iC luncheon at the MLC and network with others and learn some practical tips on how you can be more effective in your service. The luncheon will be hosted by Michael VanHuis, Vice President of Strategic Initiatives with Missio Nexus.There is no cost to this luncheon but pre-registration is required.
Church Mission Leader Networking Luncheon
The Church Mission Leader luncheon is a great way for pastors, church mission leaders and teams to take to network and learn together. Matthew Ellison the President of 16:15 will be hosting the free luncheon. He will help us explore how we can be more intentional in our efforts of mobilizing our churches for global missions and how we can partner more effectively. If you are a pastor, mission leader or representative of your church mission’s committee consider adding this luncheon. There is no cost to this luncheon but pre-registration is required. Please – this luncheon is for church mission leaders only.