Funding Mission Ministries Beyond Charitable Giving (FM)

Funding Mission Ministries Beyond Charitable Giving (FM)

Friday @ 8:30am

Many ministries are experiencing limited or reduced giving, aging donor bases, competition for donor support, economic and tax law uncertainty, and much more. These issues can make reliance on donor support even more challenging. Beyond charitable giving and program related activities such as BAM there are sources of revenue that can be realized to further your mission. The key may be to look at things from a different angle. Have you fully considered and evaluated revenue enhancement opportunities?

Learning Objectives:
  • Consider what opportunities might be available to your organization for future funding, within Biblical context.
  • Identify the scope and limitations of potential alternative revenue sources for exempt organizations, including the implications of unrelated business income, the benefit of alternative legal structures, and risks.
  • Strategize how the uniqueness of your organization, your core competencies and operations may be leveraged to enhance revenue.

[CPE 100 MIN – Management Services]

Dave Moja

Partner, Professional Practice Leader – Tax

Dave is dedicated to meeting client needs in the exempt organization tax arena through review of client returns, consulting engagements, training, and the compilation of the annual CapinCrouse Higher Education Tax Reporting Trends Project. He has 29 years of accounting experience and serves several industry committees, including the AICPA Not For Profit Advisory Council. Dave has also served on the IRS Advisory Committee on Tax Exempt and Government Entities (ACT).


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