Frontier Mobilization: The Powerful Potential of the Unsent

Frontier Mobilization: The Powerful Potential of the Unsent
Presented by Mr. Steve Shadrach, Executive Director and Mr. Ryan Emis, Director of Global Partnerships, Center for Mission Mobilization

We’ve all heard of “unREACHED people groups,” but what would it look like to shift our primary focus on discovering and mobilizing the “unSENT people groups?” Over 90% of the evangelical Church resides outside the West, yet we are seeing relatively little mission sending from countries like China, Brazil, Ethiopia or Indonesia. What if “frontier mobilizers” were sent to help serve and train national mobilizers to help fulfill the Great Commission? The Center for Mission Mobilization (CMM), in partnership with many others, is working to understand and better define the status of mobilization and missions sending throughout the world, assist in resourcing the church with mobilization resources, and equip national leaders in mobilization with the aim of starting nationally led mission sending movements.

The webinar will be focused on:
Status of global mission sending mobilization index: A brand new research initiative sponsored by the Center for Mission Mobilization in partnership with Transforming Information and Global Mapping International to better understand the current mission sending from the 56 countries with more than 1 Million believers.

Defining Mobilization: What is mission mobilization, what does success look like?

Need for Frontier Mobilization: A call for more mobilization in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. What are some of the barriers we face: Funding, sending structures, member care

Global Mobilization Network: A group of international mobilizers are beginning to form a Global Mobilization Network.

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