Categories: Articles, EMQ, Section, Volume 16 - Issue 3
Missio Nexus
Our mission is to catalyze relationships, ideas, and collaboration within the Great Commission community.
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Perspective on Israel — the Confusing Choices
Some tentative answers to the question of how evangelical missionaries are faring today in Israel and why.
Perspective on Israel — the Confusing Choices
Some tentative answers to the question of how evangelical missionaries are faring today in Israel and why.
Finding a Sense of Belonging in Your New Place
Since the days of Abraham, God has been calling men to leave their familiar surroundings, their place of belonging, to move out into the unknown, to a new place.
Our Hospitality Mandate: What Does an Authentic Christian Reception of Syrian Refugees to the United States Look Like?
While I was preparing with a team to go on a missions trip to Israel’s Jewish absorption centers, I met a young lady named Rosebud who was taking a break in the fast food restaurant where she worked.
The Impossibility of Thwarting God’s Plan: Reflecting on Theological Prejudices
Insights on the prejudices of biblical characters enable the author to see his own prejudices, and to understand how God still works his purposes through us despite them.