Fanning The Flame in Missouri

By Penny Swanson

In the Spring of 2021, the Western Missouri Operation Andrew Project began with Director of Missions Woody Wilson and churches of the Osage River Baptist Association saying “Yes,” to God’s call to reach their communities and neighborhoods with the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ through a partnership with International Commission (

On Thursday, September 30 a team of two IC Strategists and twenty-four participants from multiple states arrived for an opening rally with seven churches at Rich Hill Baptist Church. From October 1–4 the teams made Operation Andrew home visits, door-to-door visits, youth pizza parties, community events in the park, and Sunday church services where they shared the gospel with 950 people. Of those people, 108 accepted Christ as Savior and secured a life of eternity with God in Heaven. Seven pastors were encouraged, church members were challenged, and a flame was fanned in western Missouri.

When you light the corner of a sheet of paper with fire, the flame spreads and consumes the paper. The flame never went out in Missouri, but was waiting to be fanned for God’s Word to go out and consume the paper which are the communities in and around the cities of Drexel, Ft. Scott, Butler, Nevada, and El Dorado.

Praise the Lord for seven obedient pastors and churches, twenty-six willing disciples, and most importantly, 108 new brothers and sisters in Christ! God is good.

This article is submitted by Bucky Elliott of International Commission. International Commission is a Missio Nexus member.  Member organizations can provide content to the Missio Nexus website. See how by clicking here.

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