Categories: Articles, EMQ, Section, Volume 33 - Issue 4
Missio Nexus
Our mission is to catalyze relationships, ideas, and collaboration within the Great Commission community.
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Expanding the Argument
This article is in response to “Reflections on the Meaning of ‘All Nations,'” by Frank Severn in the October 1977 issue of EMQ.
Some Thoughts on the Meaning of All Nations
I was at a conference on frontier missions where a key speaker began his presentation with the question, “Which is more strategic and important—to win 100 Russians to Christ or one Uzbek?”
Some Thoughts on the Meaning of All Nations
I was at a conference on frontier missions where a key speaker began his presentation with the question, “Which is more strategic and important—to win 100 Russians to Christ or one Uzbek?”
The Poor: A Case of Mistaken Identity?
Currently, article after article and book after book refer to the poor? But seldom is the word poor carefully defined.
The Poor: A Case of Mistaken Identity?
Currently, article after article and book after book refer to the poor? But seldom is the word poor carefully defined.