EMQ Wins Four Awards at EPA’s 2023 Convention

LANCASTER, PA – Evangelical Missions Quarterly (EMQ) received four awards during this year’s Evangelical Press Association (EPA) Convention. In EPA’s Awards of Excellence, EMQ won the top prize in the “Most Improved (Print)” category above DTS Magazine and Christian Leader which both received Awards of Merit.

In the EPA 2023 Higher Goals Awards, EMQ received first place in the “Biblical Exposition” category for its article Mobilizing Gen Z — A Biblical Theology by Kyle Benner, above Answers in Genesis (second place) and Christianity Today (third place).

In the “Publication Redesign” category, EMQ came in second place behind Kid’s Answers Magazine. And EMQ accepted a fifth place award in the “General Article – Long” category for The Time for the Deaf is Now by Marisa Sorenson alongside other winners which included Influence (first place) and Sojourners (second place).

EMQ’s readers can view EMQ’s award winning articles and redesigned publication with a digital subscription or purchase print copies on Amazon. A digital subscription to EMQ is a member benefit to Missio Nexus members. Non-Missio Nexus members, can purchase individual or group digital subscriptions online.

EPA’s 2023 contest received more than 100 entries across 20 Awards of Excellence categories, and around 900 entries in their 40+ Higher Goals Awards categories. Contest submissions came from a wide variety of print and online publications. A full list of all award winners is available on EPA’s website.

EMQ is a professional journal for working missionaries, missions agency leaders, missions educators and students, and missions-minded church leaders. Now in its 59th volume, EMQ has been published continuously since 1964. It transitioned to a digital format in 2017. Print-on-demand publishing on Amazon was added in January 2018.

The first editor stated in its inaugural issue that the publication had two purposes: to provide the Church with the insights gained from its global work and for mission agencies to keep each other stimulated and informed with ideas and practical missionary tactics. EMQ’s content continues to focus on fresh, innovative, and accessible ideas pertaining to world missions that have practical application for its audience.

Submissions from experienced missionaries are welcome as are advertisements from those that have relevant products, programs, and services for EMQ’s audience.

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