Empower Your Global Worker with Modern Giving Technologies
Information Technology | Workshop Set 3
Thursday, September 29, 2022 13:45 PM
Primary Audience CEOs, COOs, CFOs, CTOs, Directors, VPs, Management Description Funding and sustaining your mission will always be relational at its core. A strategic embrace of modern giving platforms, CRMs, and MPDs not only is the future of organizational fundraising but can also enhance and deepen those relationships.
It goes beyond access to powerful digital tools and extends to how they can rightly join forces with your missional strategy. Experience a connectedness among your constituency that only a well-joined Organizational & IT strategy can deliver.
Learning Objectives Understand how deputized giving is Peer2Peer at its core and how its connectedness can strengthen overall vision and mission. Learn strategies to overcome the culture clash of modernized fundraising. Identify key ways to leverage your CRM to learn more about your donors and their proximity to you. Discuss two powerful tools to enhance the fundraising capacity of your global workers.
Provide tools and strategies that allow your partners to give in multiple ways: digital currency, subscription-based giving, crowdfunding, registration events, appreciated assets, etc. 1.5 CPE credit hours // Specialized Knowledge
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Janet Stump, Bradley McIlwain