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Black Man’s Burden
At the InterVarsity Urbana 70 missionary conference, George Taylor chided missions because “very, very few” black Christians are represented on mission fields.
Black Man’s Burden
At the InterVarsity Urbana 70 missionary conference, George Taylor chided missions because “very, very few” black Christians are represented on mission fields.
Editor’s Analysis: Where are the Black Missionaries?
Time is running out for white mission agencies to use black missionaries. At the same time, the reservoir of potential black missionaries has never been fuller.
Wanted: Black Missionaries, but How?
In Nigeria, I’ve been surprised at the number of people who have said to me, “You are the first black missionary we’ve ever seen. Aren’t black people in America Christians? Or, “Please tell more black missionaries to come.”
Wanted: Black Missionaries, but How?
In Nigeria, I’ve been surprised at the number of people who have said to me, “You are the first black missionary we’ve ever seen. Aren’t black people in America Christians? Or, “Please tell more black missionaries to come.”