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The Theology of Salvation at Bangkok
When the theme for the eighth ecumenical World Mission Conference “Salvation Today” was announced shortly after the Uppsala Assembly in 1968, many evangelical minds all over the world rejoiced.
The Theology of Salvation at Bangkok
When the theme for the eighth ecumenical World Mission Conference “Salvation Today” was announced shortly after the Uppsala Assembly in 1968, many evangelical minds all over the world rejoiced.
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Billy Graham opened and closed the International Congress on World Evangelization, and in between he preached at a Sunday afternoon public evangelistic rally at Lausanne’s Olympic Stadium.
Lausanne 74: The Plenary Program
Billy Graham opened and closed the International Congress on World Evangelization, and in between he preached at a Sunday afternoon public evangelistic rally at Lausanne’s Olympic Stadium.
Disneyland at Bangkok?
One of the good things about the “Salvation Today” conference convened by the Commission on World Mission and Evangelism of the World Council of Churches at Bangkok, Thailand, December 29, 1972 through January 8, 1973, was that you could form your own opinion of it without much fear of being contradicted.