Day 13 – Joseph Jeter

This devotional is part of the Black Missionary Heroes Past and Present Series.

Joseph Jeter (1931–2019)

Founder of Have Christ Will Travel Ministries

Read Hebrews 11:1–6

Joseph Jeter was a man of faith and action. He felt called to the mission field – using what he would call “God’s way of faith.” Mrs. Louise Ben Johnson recounts her memory of when Rev. Jeter was called on a missions trip while having no money. He went to the airport with his luggage, passport, and faith. He stood in the airport and yelled out, “Does anybody believe in Jesus?” Some people affirmed that they did, so he said, “Good! Because I need to go to such-and-such-a-place to preach the gospel for Jesus, and I don’t have any money.” Those believers gave him money, and he immediately purchased a ticket and went on the mission’s trip. Upon his return, he founded an African American missions sending agency, calling it: “Have Christ Will Travel Ministries.”

Learn more about this Bible reading plan.

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