Categories: Articles, EMQ, Section, Volume 14 - Issue 3
Missio Nexus
Our mission is to catalyze relationships, ideas, and collaboration within the Great Commission community.
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Critical Needs of the Fast-growing African Churches
A few years ago I found myself the only white man in a crowd of several hundred marching along a road in a new suburb of the ancient city of Ife, Nigeria, lustily singing “Onward, Christian Soldiers” in Yoruba.
The Nigerian Church and Global Missions
By Adeoluwa Felix Olanrewaju | The Nigerian church has been engaged in cross-border and cross-cultural missions for more than 150 years. Since then, it has played an important and growing part of the global missions movement. And Nigerians are eager to play a bigger role in collaboration with global partners.
The Awakening Nigerian Missions Movement
Awakening, challenges and opportunities of the Nigerian missions movement.
Which Way for African Christianity: Westernization or Indigenous Authenticity?
In the face of rapid growth, Africa’s churches face an identity crisis.
Which Way for African Christianity: Westernization or Indigenous Authenticity?
In the face of rapid growth, Africa’s churches face an identity crisis.