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Contextualization: Is it Only a New Word for Indigenization?
In 1957 an Indian Christian church leader made the startling statement that, with the exception of scattered local instances, in 150 years it has not been possible to build a fully indigenous Christian church in India.
How Shall We Equip the Cross-cultural Force?
What training do we need, who shall do it, and where? These are some basic issues for missions.
How Shall We Equip the Cross-cultural Force?
What training do we need, who shall do it, and where? These are some basic issues for missions.
Strategic Issues in Missions—An Asian Perspective
Asia, with some 3.7 billion people and less than nine percent of whom are Christians, clearly needs the gospel. But we cannot go on doing things in the same old manner. What then is the way forward? For what it is worth, here are some thoughts on the matter.