Conflict Competence: How to Solve the #1 Problem

Thursday | 1:45 PM

Primary Audience
Caretakers of organizational culture, especially human resource professionals and senior leaders

A senior U.S. missions expert wrote in 2017 that “The most common reason missionaries go home is not due to lack of money, illness, terrorism, homesickness, or even a lack of fruit or response to the gospel. Regretfully, the number one reason is due to conflict with other missionaries.” Conflict competence is the solution to this problem.

Participants in this session will be introduced to specific skills (perspective-taking, affirming, I-messaging, reflective listening, and suspending judgment), knowledge (cultural self-awareness, ethnocentricity, and cross-cultural awareness), and attitudes (compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience) that produce conflict that enriches, rather than erodes, our relationships and work. Implications for training programs will be discussed, with selected learning activities demonstrated as time and group size permit.

Presented By

Rocky J. Tyler






  1. Can you make the “Diversity, Inclusion, and Conflict: Do You Want Uniformity or Unity?” 8:30AM session available? I am looking to access this session, but am not able to find it anywhere on your website. Thank you.