Come Work With Us

Missio Nexus is looking for part-time or full-time staff for a number of roles. These could be filled by somebody who has retired and is looking to re-engage. If you are a field missionary in need of a 1 to 2 year assignment, one of these roles might fit you. Candidates should be fully supported. All work is “remote” requiring no relocation. We are flexible and open to your ideas about how you might best serve.

Digital Learning Coordinator

Gives leadership to the tools and platforms through which Missio Nexus delivers digital learning. Works with the Communications Director to formulate a digital learning strategy, assists with digital events and event management, and proactively seeks solutions for the Great Commission surrounding digital delivery of resources.

Field Missionary Programs

Researches field missionary needs to discover how Missio Nexus can better serve this part of the membership. Implements programs designed to support and assist field missionaries, from strategy to personnel care and development.

Finance and Benefits Coordinator

Works with our outsourced financial team to bring greater focus, clarity and control to our growing financial needs. Coordinate the banking, flow of money, audit weekly transactions and interface to both vendors and the Missio Nexus accounting team for the Missio Benefits program.

Global Prayer Coordinator

Provide overall leadership and direction for Missio Nexus’ prayer efforts. When the IFMA was first established over 100 years ago prayer was a founding focus. The Global Prayer Director encourages prayer from and for the North American missions movement and their many partners around the world.

Networks Coordinator

Develop and assist the formation of networks from within the Missio Nexus membership around causes. Implement a digital strategy, in-person events, training and accountability for cause leaders and their networks.

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