Church and Agency Partnerships

Perspectives from Churches
A report by Jennifer Holloran, COO – Wycliffe Bible Translators

On January 21, 2020, more than 30 individuals gathered online to talk about church and agency partnerships from the perspective of churches. Primarily, these individuals indicated that they currently serve in missions or senior pastor roles within a church. Additionally, a few agency representatives joined the conversation and agreed to represent themselves from the perspective of their local church.

Over the course of the two-hour discussion, the group explored current realities in the church, engagement with missions within their local congregation, and healthy and unhealthy examples of church/agency relationships. After the online conversation, the participants received a survey to allow them the opportunity to share further insights that did not make it into the online conversation. The following report shares the themes that emerged from both the online call and the survey responses.

Read the full report by clicking here:

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