Webinar: Chinese Christianity in an Increasingly Hostile Environment
Description: Are you looking for a tool to teach the basics of the Great Commission? Do you need material to do a sermon series or Sunday school, small group series, or maybe just a one-off on the Great Commission? This webinar will help you do just that.
After decades of relative openness and tolerance, China under President Xi Jinping has adopted a decidedly less tolerant attitude towards religion in general, and Christianity in particular. In this webinar we will talk about what this new restrictive environment looks like on a practical level, not only for local believers, but for foreign Christians as well.
Presenters: Kerry Schottelkorb, President, ChinaSource, Joann Pittman, Senior Vice-president, ChinaSource
About the Presenters:
Kerry Schottelkorb is the President of ChinaSource. Prior to joining ChinaSource, Kerry spent more than 30 years in China-related ministries. He was engaged in church planting in Hong Kong, served as Vice-president of Development for a large sending organization, and, along with his wife, started BridgeLives, an organization dedicated to leadership and team building in an Asian context.
Joann Pittman is the Senior Vice-president of ChinaSource and editor of ZGBriefs. Prior to joining ChinaSource, Joann spent more than 20 years in China as an English teacher, language student, program director, and cross-cultural trainer for organizations and businesses engaged in China. She has also taught as an adjunct instructor at the University of Northwestern-St. Paul (MN), Taylor University (IN), and Wheaton College (IL). She is the author of The Bells Are Not Silent: Stories of Church Bells in China. She makes her home in New Brighton, MN.