Business as Mission

Business as Mission

Business as Mission: Principles and Strategies for Building Profitable Kingdom Ventures with Non-profit Resources
Thomas Sudyk, Owner and CEO, EC Group International
August 21, 2008

The emerging Business as Mission (BAM) movement is mobilizing an untapped Christian business community. Many countries deny missionary visas, but they are all interested in their own economic betterment. Western businessmen and the capital they bring to developing and restricted access nations are rarely turned away.

EC Institute defines Business as Mission as: the strategic use of authentic business activities to create cross-cultural opportunities to minister and evangelize within the business spheres of influence with the aim of holistic transformation. This session will help you understand, navigate and participate in the powerful Business as Mission movement through strategic partnerships. Five aspects of Business as Missions will be explored: The combined focus must be both good business and good ministry. Neither is simply a by-product or side benefit. Authentic Business, The activities and functions performed in the operation of a business must be legitimate and contribute to the success of the business. Within the context of business interactions, solid relationships are formed between Christians and non-Christians Minister And Evangelize Leverage every opportunity to serve spiritual, social, and economic needs, thus demonstrating and sharing the power of the Gospel. Spheres Of Influence Opportunities to witness exist within the business and through extended relationships impacted by the business. Holistic Transformation. The Holy Spirit transforms individuals and communities on all levels. We seek to be instruments of that transformation by revealing Christ through the business. Tom is an entrepreneur and a proactive force in the Business as Mission movement serving as the President and CEO of EC Group International and founder of the Global CEO Network. He serves as the Mission Exchange consultant for Business as Mission. His focus is on strategies and initiatives to help create profitable international kingdom businesses with sustainable ministries in hard to reach countries.

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