Breakthrough: Unleashing the Power of a Proven Plan
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Leader’s Edge: Leadership
Breakthrough: Unleashing the Power of a Proven Plan*
By: Randon A. Samuelson
Self-published, 2015
164 Pages
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Randon A. Samelson is the founder of Counsel and Capital, a firm that invigorates Christian ministries and donors by advocating biblically-based principles of governance and giving.
In this book, Samelson identifies a six-phase strategy that David used to accomplish the building of the Temple, even though David didn’t complete it himself. The six steps are: 1. Inspiring Vision 2. A Credible Plan 3. The Right Leader 4. Initial Funding 5. Going Public 6. Sharing Credit. The author provides a careful exposition of the relevant Biblical passages in 1 Chronicles from which these six steps are derived and provides very clear and succinct counsel on these steps from his thirty-five years of management and Christian ministry experience.
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