Board Alignment: Is Everyone Pulling in the Same Direction?

As CEO you can work closely with your board chair to ensure the pre-service communication and orientation with new board members integrates seamlessly with their in-service education and self-evaluation. This webinar shows you how.
Presented by Steve Moore, President, Missio Nexus

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In-Service Preparation: Language Study and Orientation

At the East Asia Christian Conference meetings in 1964 in Bangkok it was unequivocally stated that, “inasmuch as theresponsibility for in-service preparation rests upon the receiving Churches, it is essential that they accept this responsibility fully. They must provide for adequate language study and also for general orientation.”

Training Missionaries for Today’s World

We have laid down the principle that the missionary’s preparation must be commensurate with the task assigned. Further, we have defined the missionary’s task, pointing out its changeless as well as relative aspects. (Evangelical Missions Quarterly, Summer, 1965.) Thus we know the quality of men needed, and we now turn to the missionary’s preparation.

Training Missionaries for Today’s World

We have laid down the principle that the missionary’s preparation must be commensurate with the task assigned. Further, we have defined the missionary’s task, pointing out its changeless as well as relative aspects. (Evangelical Missions Quarterly, Summer, 1965.) Thus we know the quality of men needed, and we now turn to the missionary’s preparation.