Big News from Two Recent ECFA Surveys
Below are two topics alert you to new research that we hope you find relevant, helpful and newsworthy from ECFA (Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability):
New Faces of Church Planting and Multisiting
ECFA recently finished their “New Faces of Church Planting and Multisiting” reports. This was North America’s largest-ever survey of its kind with more than 2,700 participants, mostly people who started new churches in recent years (including several hundred DURING the pandemic). We created five topical reports: pandemic, multiracial, financial, multiplication, and church plant vs. multisite campus. All are available free at
Some of the news is sobering (such as the breakdown of finances by race) and some is incredibly encouraging (such as the number of new churches already in motion to reproduce themselves by starting one or more other new churches).
ECFA State of Giving 2022
Today at 1pm Eastern ECFA will release the ECFA State of Giving 2022. The subtitle is “Need Is Up—And So Is Giving.” It answers questions like:
- How was giving to evangelical charities during the pandemic? (Answer: It was up, even after adjusting for inflation, see Table 1.)
- Has that giving continued during 2022? (Answer: Yes, see Table 7.)
- Are evangelical charities facing more need for their services–soup kitchens, homeless shelters, church benevolent funds, etc.? (Answer: Yes, see Table 8.)
- Do these groups attribute a portion of those increased needs to inflation? (Answer: Yes, see Table 8.)
The report is a quick skim.
Warren Bird will co-lead a webinar to walk through the report at 1pm Eastern. It is a free registration at You can sign up either to watch it live or to receive a replay link.