Best Practices for Church-Based Missionary Care

EMQ » April–June 2022 » Volume 58 Issue 2

By Lori Rogers and David Wilson

Lauri M’s parents began their first overseas missionary assignment 70 years ago. Communication was limited back then, and Lauri remembers that it took months for their family to receive an encouragement letter from their church. When she was born, her church received the news via telegram:

Dear church family STOP Healthy baby girl STOP Pray for the Quichua to know Jesus FULL STOP

Even with limited communication, Lauri recounts that her family had a deep connection to their church family for her parents’ entire career.


  1. Hi there, I am doing research on best practices for long-term health for foreign missionaries. Have you guys written a paper or saved a workshop or presentation of your findings? I would really love to delve into the topic and learn from you guys as I research for my DMin for the overall health future of missionaries. thanks so much! Matt