
One of the best ways to embed values into the culture of an organization is to celebrate decisions and actions that evidence a commitment to those guiding principles. At Missio Nexus we have identified four specific values we want to champion and celebrate as an association: excellence, innovation, partnership (represented by the Excerate Award) and finishing well (represented by Lifetime of Service Award).

Awards are presented at the annual Mission Leaders Conference.

Lifetime of Service

The Lifetime of Service Award was given to Dr. Tom Steller at the Missio Nexus #Priority2024 #MissionLeadersConference.

Appreciation Award

Wendy Wilson was presented an award of appreciation at the #Priority2024 #MissionLeadersConference in grateful recognition of her dedicated service

All Awards


Awards provide a unique opportunity to recognize people, organizations and churches in the ways they are pursuing the Great Commission. In considering a nomination, where would you direct the attention of the North American mission movement?

While we ask that recipients fit the ethos and evangelical commitments of Missio Nexus and its members, this award is not limited to Missio Nexus members.

Nominations are being accepted through April 9th, with the award presented at the annual Mission Leaders Conference in September.

Nomination Form:
